Focus on what you can afford
Claudia | Virginia
I’m a high school teacher-I teach Italian, which is my native language-and I’m saving for my daughter Sarah, who is almost 16. When Sarah was born, I looked into the Virginia529 plan and I realized four years of tuition was more than I could afford at the time.
I decided to buy two years at first because I had just bought a house and I was still paying for my own college education as well. Later on, I added two more years. Looking back, I’m really glad I did it this way, even if I had to wait a little bit in between.
The price of education is rising so much. The prePAID plan has given me peace of mind knowing that the moment she is ready for college, her tuition and Virginia529 will be there.
This last January, I received a letter stating that the first two years of college were paid for. Sarah and I had a little celebration. I have two more to go, but we’re really almost done.
I advise everybody to save what they can. Focus on what you can afford, not what you can’t, because in the long run your savings will definitely pay back. I am really glad to have signed up for the Virginia529 prePAID plan and I encourage anybody that can to do the same for their own children.