Set It, but Don’t Forget It
Saving with your Virginia529 account is easy. In fact, once you set it up, it can be easy to "let it be" until you’re ready to use the funds.
However, it’s a good idea to check on your account and review its information annually.
Regular monitoring ensures that account information (address, phone number, etc.) is current. Plus, you can make sure you’re on track and adjust your contributions accordingly.
You also will be prompted to enter your driver’s license or state ID number and date of birth if you have not provided them already. Virginia529’s customer identification program, similar to ones used by financial institutions, now requires this additional information. The security of your personal and financial information is extremely important to us and capturing this information will assist us in better serving you in the future.
Checking your account is a great way to see your progress toward your savings goal – and envision how much it will help in making higher education a reality.