Investment Options and Performance
Highly rated. Expertly managed.
Customize your investment strategy based on your goals, time horizon, risk tolerance and how involved you want to be. Invest529’s award-winning portfolios range from insured options to age-based, with a mix in between.
Learn about the portfolios types
Five types to choose from
Invest529 offers more than 20 diverse investment portfolios, across five unique categories. They are built by experts and designed to help you meet your savings goals.
Target Enrollment Portfolios
The “set it and forget it” approach to investing
Target Enrollment Portfolios follow a strategy that annually shifts from riskier investments (think equities) and toward more conservative investments (think bonds and cash) each year as you get closer to using the funds for your child’s post-high school education. These portfolios are designed to closely match your student’s expected high school graduation date.
Investment Portfolio | YTD Return1 | 1 Year2 | 3 Year2 | 5 Year2 | Since Inception2 | Expense Ratio |
2042 Portfolio | 4.20% | 14.77% | N/A | N/A | 14.15% | 0.342% |
2039 Portfolio | 3.92% | 13.98% | 5.16% | 7.80% | 7.56% | 0.330% |
2036 Portfolio | 3.47% | 13.00% | 4.99% | 7.26% | 7.71% | 0.307% |
2033 Portfolio | 3.09% | 11.66% | 4.43% | 6.48% | 6.23% | 0.282% |
2030 Portfolio | 2.36% | 9.78% | 3.85% | 5.62% | 6.36% | 0.236% |
2027 Portfolio | 1.41% | 6.95% | 2.55% | 4.42% | 4.92% | 0.179% |
2024 Portfolio | 0.55% | 4.03% | 1.51% | 3.09% | 4.76% | 0.106% |
2021 Portfolio | 0.40% | 3.20% | 1.80% | 2.03% | 4.71% | 0.085% |
1. YTD Return as of 2/13/2025.
2. Total Returns as of 01/31/2025.
Select portfolio to review performance chart
How to Interpret the Charts
The performance charts display historical performance for Invest529 portfolios. Two values are represented on each chart.
The first value is the daily Unit Price and is represented by the blue line on the chart. The second value is the percent change of the Unit Price based on a selected timeframe and is represented by the purple line. A date selector can be found underneath the chart that allows for custom date ranges to be chosen. These charts also feature the ability to zoom into pre-determined time periods (Note: Selecting a zoom period will not change the previously selected date range).
Key Terms:
An unmanaged group of securities whose overall performance is used as a standard to measure investment performance.
Net Asset Value (NAV)
The market value of a mutual fund's total assets, minus liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. The value of a single share is called its share value or share price.
To view the full definitions, please see the official Invest529 Program Description.
Index Portfolios
Match the risk and return of the stock market Index
These portfolios track the performance of a broad market. Index Portfolios typically offer lower fees than other investment options.
Investment Portfolio | YTD Return1 | 1 Year2 | 3 Year2 | 5 Year2 | Since Inception2 | Expense Ratio |
Stock Index | 4.20% | 26.14% | 11.21% | 14.45% | 10.35% | 0.065% |
Bond Index | 0.89% | 2.10% | -1.52% | -0.64% | 2.85% | 0.065% |
International Index | 6.30% | 10.67% | 2.74% | 5.65% | 4.83% | 0.095% |
Inflation-Protected | 1.63% | 2.84% | -1.32% | 1.59% | 3.08% | 0.115% |
Real Estate Inv Trust | 3.22% | 12.22% | -1.42% | 3.05% | 6.46% | 0.155% |
1. YTD Return as of 2/13/2025.
2. Total Returns as of 01/31/2025.
Select portfolio to review performance chart
How to Interpret the Charts
The performance charts display historical performance for Invest529 portfolios. Two values are represented on each chart.
The first value is the daily Unit Price and is represented by the blue line on the chart. The second value is the percent change of the Unit Price based on a selected timeframe and is represented by the purple line. A date selector can be found underneath the chart that allows for custom date ranges to be chosen. These charts also feature the ability to zoom into pre-determined time periods (Note: Selecting a zoom period will not change the previously selected date range).
Key Terms:
An unmanaged group of securities whose overall performance is used as a standard to measure investment performance.
Net Asset Value (NAV)
The market value of a mutual fund's total assets, minus liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. The value of a single share is called its share value or share price.
To view the full definitions, please see the official Invest529 Program Description.
Principal Protected Portfolios
An option for those focused on the security of their investment
Principal Protected Portfolios are designed to protect against losses to the original amount you’ve invested, generally offering a more stable investment option.
Investment Portfolio | YTD Return1 | 1 Year2 | 3 Year2 | 5 Year2 | Since Inception2 | Expense Ratio |
Tuition Track3 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.000% |
FDIC–Insured | 0.54% | 5.32% | 4.27% | 2.95% | 2.33% | 0.000% |
Stable Value | 0.40% | 3.21% | 2.58% | 2.24% | 3.16% | 0.085% |
1. YTD Return as of 2/13/2025.
2. Total Returns as of 01/31/2025.
3. To view the historical change in Average Tuition, visit the Tuition Track Performance page.
Select portfolio to review performance chart
How to Interpret the Charts
The performance charts display historical performance for Invest529 portfolios. Two values are represented on each chart.
The first value is the daily Unit Price and is represented by the blue line on the chart. The second value is the percent change of the Unit Price based on a selected timeframe and is represented by the purple line. A date selector can be found underneath the chart that allows for custom date ranges to be chosen. These charts also feature the ability to zoom into pre-determined time periods (Note: Selecting a zoom period will not change the previously selected date range).
Key Terms:
An unmanaged group of securities whose overall performance is used as a standard to measure investment performance.
Net Asset Value (NAV)
The market value of a mutual fund's total assets, minus liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. The value of a single share is called its share value or share price.
To view the full definitions, please see the official Invest529 Program Description.
Target Risk Portfolios
Risk levels ranging from conservative to aggressive
Target Risk Portfolios are a diversified mix of stocks, bonds, cash and other investments. They’re static and should reflect your current risk tolerance. Both passively and actively managed options are available.
Investment Portfolio | YTD Return1 | 1 Year2 | 3 Year2 | 5 Year2 | Since Inception2 | Expense Ratio |
Aggressive Growth | 4.20% | 16.36% | 6.17% | 8.81% | 6.91% | 0.077% |
Moderate Growth | 3.34% | 12.85% | 4.40% | 6.55% | 6.10% | 0.077% |
Conservative Income | 1.64% | 6.05% | 0.79% | 1.90% | 3.95% | 0.077% |
Active Aggressive | 4.37% | 14.94% | 5.53% | 7.93% | 8.30% | 0.311% |
Active Moderate | 3.22% | 11.83% | 4.62% | 6.02% | 6.52% | 0.265% |
Active Conservative | 1.79% | 7.32% | 2.92% | 3.71% | 4.39% | 0.192% |
1. YTD Return as of 2/13/2025.
2. Total Returns as of 01/31/2025.
Select portfolio to review performance chart
How to Interpret the Charts
The performance charts display historical performance for Invest529 portfolios. Two values are represented on each chart.
The first value is the daily Unit Price and is represented by the blue line on the chart. The second value is the percent change of the Unit Price based on a selected timeframe and is represented by the purple line. A date selector can be found underneath the chart that allows for custom date ranges to be chosen. These charts also feature the ability to zoom into pre-determined time periods (Note: Selecting a zoom period will not change the previously selected date range).
Key Terms:
An unmanaged group of securities whose overall performance is used as a standard to measure investment performance.
Net Asset Value (NAV)
The market value of a mutual fund's total assets, minus liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. The value of a single share is called its share value or share price.
To view the full definitions, please see the official Invest529 Program Description.
Specialty Portfolios
Specific, alternative investment strategies built on a mix of domestic and international stocks
Specialty Portfolios include investment options that do not fall into the other categories. These include options like the ESG Core Equity Portfolio, which seeks returns while also focusing on long-term impacts on the environment and society.
Investment Portfolio | YTD Return1 | 1 Year2 | 3 Year2 | 5 Year2 | Since Inception2 | Expense Ratio |
ESG Core Equity | 4.42% | 21.23% | 9.87% | 14.35% | 13.69% | 0.555% |
Global Equity | 5.58% | 18.27% | 7.71% | 10.97% | 11.50% | 0.357% |
1. YTD Return as of 2/13/2025.
2. Total Returns as of 01/31/2025.
Select portfolio to review performance chart
How to Interpret the Charts
The performance charts display historical performance for Invest529 portfolios. Two values are represented on each chart.
The first value is the daily Unit Price and is represented by the blue line on the chart. The second value is the percent change of the Unit Price based on a selected timeframe and is represented by the purple line. A date selector can be found underneath the chart that allows for custom date ranges to be chosen. These charts also feature the ability to zoom into pre-determined time periods (Note: Selecting a zoom period will not change the previously selected date range).
Key Terms:
An unmanaged group of securities whose overall performance is used as a standard to measure investment performance.
Net Asset Value (NAV)
The market value of a mutual fund's total assets, minus liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. The value of a single share is called its share value or share price.
To view the full definitions, please see the official Invest529 Program Description.
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Highly rated. Expertly managed. Let Invest529 help you reach your savings goals.
Get StartedNotes:
- Invest529 returns are net of fees. Returns for periods greater than one year are annualized.
- Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please refer to the Invest529 Program Description before making any investment decision.
- The Invest529 Portfolio Benchmarks are blended composite benchmarks that reflect the asset allocation of the Portfolios over time, appropriate strategic benchmark index components for underlying investment managers, and an adjustment reflecting the Invest529 administrative fee for the Portfolios.
- View the historical performance for portfolios that are permanently closed for new enrollment.
Tools to help you decide
Invest529 Calculators
Use these tools to determine future higher education costs and plan your saving strategy.